About Me

My name is Jeff Hinton, I am a 45 year old father of three little girls and a husband who lives in Las Vegas Nevada. I am a former Marine and natural bodybuilder interested in mind, body, and spirit transformation. I believe that all things are possible through Christ, including building a strong healthy body at any age.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Words of Encouragement

I want to write you today to encourage you in your transformation journey. You made the decision to make a change in your life and to become fit and healthy for a variety of reasons, maybe you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. Perhaps you can no longer fit into the clothes you once enjoyed wearing and you want to get your body back into shape and improve your self-confidence. Perhaps as you get older you realize the old adage “if you don’t use it you lose it ,” and you have decided you better start exercising your body so you can be more energetic, improve mental focus and stave off sickness. All of these things are wonderful reasons to get in shape, to eat healthily and exercise, but there should be a higher purpose for your actions.   The Bible tells us to “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2) Your body is simply a vessel, it will eventually grow old, sicken and die, this of course cannot be avoided. Moreover, while your earthly body is important and you must strive to keep it vigorous and healthy for as long as possible, you must focus on your father above and give him praise and glory. Keeping God the focus of your life will give you the strength and courage you will need to achieve your fitness goals. God is glorious and all powerful, put your trust in him and he will help you achieve things you never thought possible.    

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