About Me

My name is Jeff Hinton, I am a 45 year old father of three little girls and a husband who lives in Las Vegas Nevada. I am a former Marine and natural bodybuilder interested in mind, body, and spirit transformation. I believe that all things are possible through Christ, including building a strong healthy body at any age.

Monday, September 28, 2015

I Can Do All Things

What is keeping you from achieving your fitness goals? Do you make excuses to yourself, saying things like “I don’t have enough time,” or “I’m too out of shape to even begin,” does “I’m too old” sound familiar? These are but a few of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of excuses people tell themselves when it comes to reasons they have not taken control of their personal health and fitness. Despite the excuses we make to not achieve our goals, God reminds us that faith in him is all the encouragement we will ever need, we can do incredible things in the name of Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:13 tells us “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Remember, if God has put getting into shape and improving your health on your heart, then he will supply you with all the encouragement you will need to accomplish your goals. Instead of making excuses, put your faith in Christ and lean on him when working towards your goals gets difficult (and they will get difficult). Understand that when you put your faith in Christ, and you lean on him, you no longer have to muster the will power to say no to tempting treats. Instead, say to yourself “I can do all things through Christ.” When you don’t feel like getting off the couch to go to the gym, say to yourself, “I can do all things through Christ,” when you haven’t seen the scale budge in a long time and you feel like quitting, say to yourself “I can do all things through Christ.” Through Jesus Christ our lord, all things are possible, and faith in him will help us achieve our goals no matter how difficult or impossible they may seem.  

Friday, September 25, 2015

Will You Get Old With Vitality, or With Disease?

Your decision to get into shape is the best decision you can make, not only for yourself but for the loved ones in your life. I recently saw a commercial produced by the Heart and Lung Association of Canada that powerfully juxtaposed two alternative outcomes of an aging man. The commercial is shot in a split-screen format and in the beginning scene the man’s foot is slipping into a hospital slipper while in the other screen it is slipping into a running shoe. The narrator sullenly asks “what will your last ten years look like, will you be quick enough for a game of tag with your grandchild, strong enough to embrace every moment?” On screen you see the man, sickly and near death, being assisted by a nurse take sips from a straw. In the other screen the man is sipping from a juice box held by his granddaughter.

“Will you get old with vitality, or with disease?” The commercial is a powerful warning that the way we live today is going to have serious consequences in the future, the choices we make now will determine the quality of our lives down the road. This message should be enough to get you off the couch and into the gym, to say no to the bad habits that are keeping you from being healthy. God does not want this kind of life for you, instead he wants you to be strong of body, mind and soul, to live your life to the fullest with zest, confidence and good health. The Bible says “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well (3 John 1:2). How do you imagine your last ten years of life? Will you be alive with the spirit of the Lord, physically able to enjoy your family and friends, strong enough to enjoy the activities that are important to you? I believe God wants this for all of his people, make the change today and you will live long and healthy enough to be glad you did.     

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The First Thing That Has to Change is Your Mind

Your decision to transform your body must begin with the transformation of your thinking. Romans 12:2 tells us “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” No matter how much will power you think you have or how hard you try to stick to your diet and exercise program, the state of your mind will determine whether you will be ultimately  successful or not.  Renewing your mind means first and fore most to accept Jesus Christ into your life and ask him to be your lord and savior, by doing so you will begin a life transformation beyond your wildest dreams. But renewing your mind also means to reject the trappings of our modern culture such as the desire for instant gratification, excess and selfishness. When you acknowledge that God is in control, and that he alone directs your destiny, you will find peace and fulfillment. God cares about you personally and he wants you to succeed in the goals you have set for yourself. When you renew your mind and believe deep in your heart that you are worthy and capable of achieving a healthy, fit body you will achieve it. It might take a while, you will have times when you want to give up, and it will be difficult, but with God and a renewed mind all things are possible.